lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

A review on Oh Romeo! Oh Romeo!

After watching the play "Oh Romeo, Oh Romeo", in the language class, we were asked to write a review about it, following these intructions:

What's your opinion about the play? Why did/didn't you like it? What did the script writers take into account when they wrote the script? Why do you think it meant a lot of work to put on this play? What aspects do you think were taken into account? Why was the play successful? 
Write an essay covering the above points (150 words)
  • Use:
- In my opinion,
- Personally, I believe/guess
- From the artistic point of view...
- I don't agree with...
- I'm against...
  • Use 15 connectors
Here is my work:

Personally, I believe they did a great job due to the really nice work of the actors, even though they were young, and the hard work of the writer as well. It was a really good play because of the different aspects they included, in addition they made it funny. 

In my opinion to write this play the writer took into account the main characteristics of the characters.
Therefore, in order to make it funny, they changed them into the opposite. From the artistic point of view, they paid notably attention to the costumes, also on the characters' actions and especially on their behavior. Moreover, they included other plays, Macbeth, Hamlet and The Tempest. Including these, helped in particular to make it more interesting and amusing. 

I really liked this play. However, they should have used a good microphone instead of the camera's and to improve the filmimg, so as to look more professional and be even more successful. 

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